Archive for the ‘Audio’ Category

ACE for 2008-01-31

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Yesterday's edition of A Critical Ear is now online. It features a discussion of Bush's signing statements (particularly the recent one attempting to override the ban on permanent bases in Iraq) and then a fairly unique 30 minutes, where we simulcasted a live phone interview that Bob was doing with Radio Islam in ...

ACE 2008-01-24

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Full show audioContents: Interworld Radio news headlines (3-4 min) Interworld Radio feature about healthcare services in Zambia (6 min) Discussion of Iran and US foreign policy regarding Iran (30-40 min) Gaza - recent developments and context Jose Padilla (5-10 min) Economic developments in the US - recession or not, policy reactions (interest rates, economic stimulus packages) ...